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Here is the fee schedule we work with. This is for information only, each figurine being obviously very different from the other.

Contact us so that we can provide you with a more precise quote.

You will find below our different levels of paint, as well as the price of the assembly, the assembly of your figurines if you wish that we take care of it too.

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Taille/Size Figurine
Small 25mm figurine (board game pawn, lord of the rings...)
6 €
8 €
16 €
36 €
2 €
30mm Figure (Space Marine, Infantry...)
7 €
10 €
20 €
45 €
4 €
Elite (Detailed Figure, Terminator, Brute Ironjaws...)
9 €
13 €
25 €
55 €
5 €
Big Elite (Paragon Warsuit, Bullgors...)
11 €
15 €
30 €
65 €
6 €
Standard Biker/Rider
13 €
17 €
35 €
80 €
7 €
Small vehicle/Monster (Rhino, Parasite of Mortrex ...)
20 €
25 €
60 €
200 €
15 €
Vehicle/Monster (Redemptor Dreadnought, Sylvaneth Treelord ...)
35 €
45 €
90 €
250 €
20 €
Large vehicle/Monster (Char Land Raider, Gargant/Giant...)
60 €
80 €
150 €
350 €
30 €
Huge Vehicle/Monster (IK, Baneblade, Giant Mega-gargant ...)
80 €
100 €
195 €
500 €
50 €
Single Character
13 €
20 €
45 €
100 €
5 €
Figure on mount
25 €
40 €
110 €
220 €
10 €
Character on Monstrous or Big character mount
40 €
65 €
130 €
300 €
20 €
Oversized figurine (Titan, Huge bust...)
130 €
160 €
350 €
1 000 €
90 €

Here are four paint level examples for the classic style:

You will find armies and unique pieces painted in different styles and levels

We also offer offers based on the price of the orders

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